The Moon Duelist

Nothing here yet! :)


Important Information and Notes

None of the art is mine unless stated otherwise.Selective. Independent Portrayal of Serena from Yu-gi-oh! arc v. I mostly roleplay with everyone that approaches me but due to safety/security reasons I will be a heavily selective on who I interact with. If you somehow think you are wrongfully being ignored let me know in DMs and we will go from there.
No duel rps for now.
DM to plot, I do not RP in DMs!
Serious literate / full crack central. I will go back and forth between the two but let me know if you want to plot something a bit more sinister. Will be posting a lot of memes. I can match writing style and length.I do not lewd! I may post a thirst trap every now and then but that's the most I will do. Any forced lewd on me will be removed/blocked.Single ship with chem . I am a very picky with this. Keep in mind I do not lewd and I take a very long time building up my ships/relationships. If you're willing to only ship with Serena and is willing to write with her for a long time then good luck.Free time for me is extremely limited, this is purely a small hobby. I will reply whenever I can, so please don’t harass me for replies right away.
Hate on my DMs or feed will be blocked right away. I’m here to have a good time.

I am also the writer for 2027 AU Serena @LUNAPARASITE.

Basic Information

Name: Serena
Age: 19 (default)
Sex: female
Orientation: N/A
Height: 5’4
Weight: 124 lbs
Birthday: September 4
Deck: Lunalight

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Basic Information (cont.)

Background: Mostly everything in the anime is her canon, except for a few minor details. One, Serena along with Rin and Ruri Kurosaki were able to split themselves from Yuzu Hiragi. Gaining their own bodies once again for their own. Two, once Serena got her body back, she went back to Academia. Feeling somewhat responsible for all the horrific things her home had done to the other dimensions. She thought by going back she will help Academia move forward towards the right direction and keep an eye on them at the same time.And this is where her story begins…Academia is no more, now renaming itself to be the Fusion Federation. With a senate, branches and pointed officials to keep it in the right direction. Now rebranding itself to be a fair, and trusted ally of the other dimensions. With Grace Tyler being in charge as its leader. Serena wasn’t completely buying this whole change, mainly not being able to fully trust Grace Tyler. Serena couldn’t tell why or how, there was something about Tyler that she couldn’t accept.With some persuasion from her friend (and love interest at the time) Yuri Oleander, she buried her doubts. Serena could see how hard Yuri worked each day to better himself and learn to atone for his past sins. She took inspiration from his determination. Finding his desire to become a better person to be admirable and noble. She too began to work on herself and try to put some faith into this new federation. Completely unaware of the horrors that waited up ahead.The Fusion Parasite Incident: Her mental state was deteriorating, along with having an unknown sense of paranoia. She took Yuri’s suggestion and took days off from her duties. Eventually tagging along with him, thinking she may be overworked like Yuri suggested. Unfortunately for them, this was far from the truth.And suddenly, without a warning… everything went blank…Serena went to sleep and someone else woke up. She was no longer in control. There was an invader inside her mind, an invader she had fought before- a fusion parasite.Unlike many of its kind that focus on strength. The parasite inside Serena mainly enhances the brain activity of the frontal lobe. Intellect, cognitive skills and social interaction skills are in result, enhanced significantly. Her physical strength is also enhanced but not by much. She would say she is twice as strong of what she used to be. Serena was already a physically fit and strong individual. Now however, she can do things that ‘normal’ human beings would consider impossible.Now being under its control, ‘Serena’ had a new purpose. To serve and carry out the wishes of The Lady (Grace Tyler) and become a tool of the Empire. During those many weeks of being in control, Serena hurt the lives of many. Including those closest to her, like Yuri and Yuzu. The real Serena, the original soul was locked deep within, constantly fighting the parasite that had hijacked her body. Unfortunately for her, all her constant fights for freedom ended in vain. Once Yuri discovered what had happened to her, he completely cut ties with her. Leaving Serena and the parasite in shambles. The parasite didn’t understand why this was such a detrimental blow to both her and Serena. This could only mean one thing- Serena is in love with him. That is the only explanation for both of their mental collapse, right?The parasite’s despair eventually turned to rage. Concluding that Serena is the one to blame for this weakness. She swore to make Yuri pay by making his life a living hell in every way possible. The parasite had won, Serena no longer had the strength to continue to fight. Eventually giving in to the parasite, there was no one waiting for her on the other side. Everything now seemed meaningless to her, she would allow the parasite to act as it wished.Serena was no more, now allowing the parasite to have full reign of her body and mind. Sleeping her consciousness away as the parasite destroyed the lives of many. Sealing the souls of duelists into cards to even torturing people for fun. The parasite was truly a monster but that’s just how The Lady programmed her to be.

The Age of the Fusion Empire- 2027 AU

Name: Serena
Alias/Nicknames: The Lady In Waiting, Lady Serena, The Blood Moon Princess
Age: Early 30s
Height: 5’4
Weight: Around 130 lbs
Deck: Lunalight

Important Note: Yu-Gi-Oh! 2027 timeline is a concept made by Grace mun. I am barely writing the narrative for Serena ONLY.

Basic Information

Background: This is a timeline where there are no heroes. Fusion had won, with The Professor killed and long gone it was only a matter of time for someone to fill in that void. The evil and twisted Grace Tyler of that timeline took control and reshaped the entire world in her image. With promises of bringing its lost glory back to Fusion, she remade Academia to the Holy Fusion Empire. Having all of the other dimensions and its own, captured.Before all of that took place however, there was a girl- around 17 years of age at that time. Her name was Serena. Her life was relatively just the same like her other alternative selves. At one point, her life in the academy even seemed to be looking bright. All until a certain event that changed her, along with many lives forever.A longtime friend of hers, Yuri was unwell. It seemed his own darkness was manifesting once more. The only difference was that it was winning. Serena attempted many times to try to save him from his own darkness but all her tries were in vain. Desperate with saving her friend, Serena ended up accepting an old offer made by none other than Grace Tyler. Serena would agree going into a procedure and have her strength multiplied, along with having political power within the newly formed Empire. Tyler assured her it would be enough to take on Yuri and save him. However, once Serena received the highly experimental parasite implant; things did not go according to plan.Serena and the brain control parasite bonded. Giving birth to a new being, that is neither Serena or the parasite. This new being, still having physical resemblance to the original, decided to keep calling herself Lady Serena Thinking it was still appropriate to use that name.Now with a new consciousness, Lady Serena abandoned her original plan to save Yuri. Her reasoning being that it was the Original’s desire to save the boy, not hers. Her new desires were far more selfish and cruel. Deep within, she could feel a hunger for bloodlust, slowly growing like a small flame. Not knowing how to deal with this unsettling thirst, Lady Serena went to her new master- Lady Grace for help. Of course, Tyler only took advantage of this new hunter and used Serena’s lust for violence to her benefit. Serena carded, killed and tortured many in the Empire’s name. This worked just fine for her too, Tyler would gain more power and land with her and Serena would get to unleash her uncontrollable bloodlust. Earning her nickname The Blood Moon Princess or Princess of the Red Moon.

Basic Information (cont.)

Present: Lady Serena currently serves as the overseer of the North American branch and a member of the council of 9 of the Holy Fusion Empire. She is one if not the most powerful woman in the empire (after Grace Tyler). Her political influence is felt everywhere. As in her eyes, she represents the empire itself on behalf of Tyler. However, before a politician, she is a duelist. Her hunger for bloodlust can sometimes get the best of her.She participated in the Empire’s latest war. A war on the 2022 alternative timeline. Lady Serena and her North American army seemed to have everything under control. Something went horribly wrong, Grace Tyler- her master was defeated.However, now with the fall of Lady Grace, the once mighty Empire is now in chaos.Its future remains unknown.Personality: This Serena’s personality is mostly like Parasite Serena’s with a few key differences. PS (Parasite Serena) constantly had someone (the original Serena) fight for control. Mainly making her actions seem half hearted. Displaying a window of opportunity for salvation. This Serena however, has no other inner soul to keep her in check. Like PS, this Serena is loyal to the empire and above all, Grace Tyler. This is mainly from programming but also due to Serena’s corrupt mind. And like the original, she is extremely loyal and values loyalty above anything else.She never fought the parasite like her other self did. Instead, she accepted it and allowed it to merge with her inner soul. She is neither the parasite or Serena- instead she is a new entity who also happens to go by the name ‘Serena’ or preferably Lady Serena.Just her physique alone makes people intimidated in her presence. She shares both PS and the original’s character traits (although she mostly hides her original’s traits to not display any weaknesses to others but that won’t be revealed until later on the arc). She is mostly frowning, mainly from the stress of her important job. Not to mention, like her original- she still doesn’t have a very approachable demeanor. She can get extremely quiet when she is focused, adding more fear to her workers and advisors.She rules the branch with an iron fist. She is cold, ruthless and doesn’t take failure lightly. Killing civilians is not above her. Serena would do anything to accomplish her goals and do what’s best for the empire. Unlike most, she actually thinks what the empire stands for is noble and enjoys what she does.Goals: To continue keeping the empire the superpower it is today. Mainly to fulfill Grace’s wishes but she genuinely believes in what the empire stands for. She will crush anyone that gets in the way of achieving her goals.Relationships: Grace Tyler: Serena directly works under her, taking her word as absolute law. Grace is also the one responsible for placing the parasite inside of her.Yuri: A childhood friend that is now her biggest enemy. She absolutely loathes his very existence. They go way back.Yuji Truesdale: Yuri’s son and Serena’s tool. He works as her bodyguard and now resides in the NA sector with her. He is Serena’s key to get her revenge on Yuri.
Serena being the cold hearted person she is, eventually appears to fall in love with him. If they will ever have a future together is unknown, as they both have different lives and goals.

About the writer

Many call me Serena but I mainly go by my writing name, Ari on here. I'm currently 25 years old and married. Roleplaying is more of a hobby to me, along with making edits and such. I also enjoy reading books and articles on a wide range of topics. Yu-Gi-Oh! has been a part of my life since I was very young, so I am very passionate about it like many in the community.I reply whenever I can but unfortunately I tend to get very busy. Please do not harass me, if you do I will most likely block you.Serena is my comfort character, she's the reason why I got into the Arc V anime back in 2015. So talking about her greatness is a smart way to get my attention. I'm a very shy and insecure person. Talking to new people is extremely hard for me, sometimes I can be seen as cold. It can take a while for me to warm up to someone I just met, so please be patient! It also doesn't help I am anti- social and suffer from anxiety. Thankfully it's gotten a lot better since I met my partner. Please be patient with me.